TheĀ Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training and nutrition strategies for thoseĀ looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

Half Marathon Training from a PTā€™s Perspective exerciseprogramming running strengthtraining weighttraining Nov 04, 2020

Would you like to listen to this on the Postpartum Performance podcast? Give a listen to Episode 4: Half Marathon Training from a PT’s Perspective 

At the start of 2020 I decided I...

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Strength Training For Better Aging physicaltherapy strengthtraining Oct 28, 2020

Aging is inevitable, but we have the choice to age with grace rather than feeling defeated during the process.

We’ve all heard one time or another we should be doing strength training and...

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3 Stability Drills to Eliminate SI Joint Pain backpain exerciseprogramming hippain physicaltherapy strengthtraining Sep 30, 2020

Are you experiencing discomfort or dull boring ache on only one side of your low back and hip region?  Do you feel pain here after running or a long time standing? Has the pain ever crept its...

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3 Tips for How to Lift Your Child Without Back Pain backpain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining womenshealth Sep 02, 2020

If you ask most parents they’ll say their kids changed their lives.  For better or for worse being a parent is a physical role. Carrying, lifting and holding babies and kids is a part of...

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3 Commonly Missed Areas That Can Resolve Your Low Back Pain When Running backpain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running strengthtraining Aug 26, 2020

Is your low back feeling achy during or after your runs?  Are you feeling like the soreness in your back is limiting your ability to fully participate in your training?  You’re not...

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Rolled an Ankle? Now What: Try This Anti-Ankle Sprain Strategy Plan exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running strengthtraining Jul 01, 2020

If you ask an active individual or athlete of all ages and levels if they’ve ever had an ankle sprain injury, they’ll more often than not respond with a yes.


Ankle sprains are a...

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Stop Stretching Your Hip Flexors - Try This Instead exerciseprogramming hippain physicaltherapy strengthtraining Jun 04, 2020

Why Your Hips Actually Feel ‘Tight’:

If you’ve done your research, you probably heard or read that stretching your hip flexor muscles is important.  If you’ve really...

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Top 5 Home Bodyweight Core Strengthening Exercises physicaltherapy strengthtraining Apr 17, 2020

We’re living in a crazy time right now, amidst a COVID-19 pandemic, that is leaving us stuck at home more than a lot of us are used to. Many gyms, workout facilities, and our access to...

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Top 5 Home Bodyweight Lower Body Strengthening Exercises exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Apr 15, 2020

We’re living in a crazy time right now, amidst a COVID-19 pandemic, that is leaving us stuck at home more than a lot of us are used to. Many gyms, workout facilities, and our access to...

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Top 5 Home Bodyweight Upper Body Strengthening Exercises exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Apr 13, 2020

We’re living in a crazy time right now, amidst a COVID-19 pandemic, that is leaving us stuck at home more than a lot of us are used to.  Many gyms, workout facilities, and our access to...

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9 Pushup Variations for Building Upper Body Strength exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Apr 06, 2020

The pushup has long been a staple movement of many fitness programs over the years, and for good reason. Pushups are a great way to build upper body strength with minimal equipment. Pushups are...

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10 Essential Deadlift Variations exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Mar 11, 2020

Have you ever heard deadlifting was bad for your back?  Do you get back pain or tightness with deadlifts? Has deadlift always been a challenging movement for you to do without getting hurt? Do...

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