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Top 5 Home Bodyweight Upper Body Strengthening Exercises

exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Apr 13, 2020

We’re living in a crazy time right now, amidst a COVID-19 pandemic, that is leaving us stuck at home more than a lot of us are used to.  Many gyms, workout facilities, and our access to equipment can be pretty limited. However, this doesn't mean you can’t get some quality bodyweight upper body strengthening exercise while at home.  

While this might be a change of pace for some, it can be used as a time to work on some areas of weakness that have gotten pushed aside with previous routines.  These strengthening exercises are not meant to be (although they certainly can be) used to just get you sweating and out of breath. There’s plenty of workouts and Google searches that can help you do that without much structure.  You won’t see burpees on here - and not because the movement isn’t important or valuable, they’re just commonly performed incorrectly and for many there are better alternatives.

These bodyweight strengthening exercises are designed to get you strong in the right areas.  The areas that we see so limited time and time again for people coming to see us for back and shoulder pain.

1. Push Up Plank Shoulder Taps 

These are great ways to build strength through the shoulder without going through a large range of motion, which can be a problem for those with a history of shoulder pain or injury.  These double as a core exercise too - make sure those hips and lower backs aren’t moving!

2. Scap Pushups 

 If you haven’t done these before, you’re in for a treat.  Many people have difficulty moving their shoulder blades through a full range of motion - which is essential for strong and healthy shoulders.  If too challenging with the knees up, drop the knees down for less of a challenge.

3. Extension Bridge 



Start small with these!  These can be intense if you haven’t done them before, and that’s because so many are missing range of motion and strength in this key movement of the shoulder.  Hold for 5-10 seconds at the top while squeezing those shoulder blades back.

4. Partner Assisted Pullups 

While we love pullups if you have access to it, here’s a great way to get a similar effect with a broomstick and the help of a partner.  One of our favorite minimal equipment at home movements!


5. Pushups

We love pushups - but we want you to get really good at performing them correctly before you start adding a ton of reps.  We put our hands elevated video on here, because we find this is the best starting place for beginners and even intermediate individuals.  Once you can perform 25 repetitions slowly and controlled with your hands on a chair/couch/etc - you can start working your way to the ground. 

Give these a try to build your bodyweight upper body strength from home.  If this is your first time doing these, start going slowly through them to get the hang of it.  If you’re looking for more of a challenge and want to turn these into a ‘workout’, increase the reps and decrease the rest time between movements. 

If you’re not getting the progress you want at home, or you have pain or injury that you’re trying to work around, we can help (even remotely)! We help busy individuals looking to get back to the activities they love every single day, and if pain or injury is holding you back we can help you do the same.  We do this through in-person sessions at our clinic, but we also offer telehealth and virtual evaluations and treatment, remote exercise programming and mobility programming, and nutrition coaching that is made custom to you and done at home.

If you’re not sure if or how we can help, click here to fill out our contact form to speak with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy.  We’ll get on the phone with you, at no charge, to see if we’re a good fit.  And if we’re not, we’ll do our best to point you in the direction to get the help you need today.

Don’t wait to live your best life, we’d love to help you reach your goals - even from home!

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