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What Men's Health Is Actually About (And Why It's WAY More Than Just How You Look)

Mar 08, 2024

This post originally went out to my popular weekly newsletter for Building Stronger Dads.

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I had some realizations when I was taking a walk this week that changed the way I look at my health and fitness

I posted this for the men in our Facebook group, but thought it might be helpful to share for you on your health and fitness journey as well:

Being healthy is not about a number on the scale, a body fat percentage, or how much weight you can lift.

  • It’s not about looking good or flexing your muscles to gain more compliments or affirmation from others.
  • It’s not even just about doing some hard workouts or eating healthy.
  • And it’s certainly not about ‘doing more’ or ‘doing better’ when it comes to your health and fitness.

What is it actually about?

  • It’s about a standard that you live your life by.
  • It’s based on the truth that how you do anything is how you do everything.
  • It’s about having the brutal self-awareness and honesty to realize that small compromises in your body are often just a reflection of other areas that are also being compromised.
  • It’s about living with a level of honor, integrity, and excellence that others want to follow.
  • It’s about being an example for your family that you feel confident in them modeling. That they follow you not because of what you say, but because of what you do - and ultimately how you live.
  • It’s knowing that physical transformation on its own, without an internal transformation, is vain, prideful, and useless.
  • It's understanding what's broken with the health and fitness industry: that you can look strong, ripped, healthy, and fit on the outside - and be a mess spiritually, emotionally, relationally.

As men, many of us have lost sight of the standard that’s required of us.

The physical standard that’s needed to lead those around us.

If that sounds like a tall task - that’s actually the easier part.

Physical transformation isn’t going to make those around you respect you more, love you more, or follow your leadership on its own.

It’s a necessary component, but your physical health is actually only the starting point.

  • It’s about who you become on the way to your physical transformation.
  • It’s about finding the delicate balance between being dedicated to your health while not neglecting the more important priorities of your family and your relationships.

The Reverse Dad Bod FB group exists to raise the standard we live by as men.

First, physically.

Like it or not - people will judge you by how you look.

Taking care of your body isn’t optional if you want to influence your family and the people that follow you.

My goal is to provide you with all the tools and resources you need to see physical transformation.

This past Monday - the first Reverse Dad Bod Workout Program went live inside out FB group.

It’s not a flashy program that’s designed to keep you entertained.

It isn’t designed to spend your whole week working out.

But it is designed to work.

It's worked time and time again for myself, friends, family members, clients, and men of all fitness backgrounds.

And it works better the harder you work at it.

But my time will be wasted if we only focus on the physical improvements, while neglecting the true transformation we need to always be pursuing as men in other areas.

1 Timothy 4:8 says ‘For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come’

Our families need us to be better men in all areas of our lives.

Let’s do what’s required to make sure our bodies are strong and fit for years to come.

But let’s also lean on each other to make sure we’re not slipping in the other areas that are of more value.

If you think that’s too extreme, too intense, or too far out there - this group might not be the one for you.

I don’t have all the answers, but I am passionate about the privilege and responsibility we have as men to lead those around us.

And I’m excited to be on this journey with you.

Dr. Dave

P.S. If your goal is MORE muscle building and fat loss in LESS time, click here to join the Reverse Dad Bod Facebook Group. Join today to get free access to the full workout program, weekly video trainings, the RDB full nutrition protocol, and join a community of like minded men

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