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Get Fit With These Strange Mindset Tricks

Aug 22, 2024

Getting (and staying) fit isn't all about what you eat or what workouts you do.

I've seen people get really fit with all sorts of eating and workout styles, but I've never seen anyone stay fit without the right mindset.

It's one thing to lose a bunch of fat, see your abs, or get in shape one time.

Anyone can commit themselves to pushing hard for a little while and see results.

Most people that lose weight end up gaining all (or more) of it back.

There are a lot of reasons for this, but I believe your mindset is one of the biggest variables that doesn't get talked about enough.

People that stay fit year round can have some odd behaviors.

There is usually ZERO science or research to back these behaviors up...and that's okay.

If you find something that works for you - then why argue with it?

That being said, be skeptical if you see an influencer saying this is what everyone should do. Just because someone on Instagram jumps off a bridge doesn't mean you should (thanks, Dad)

I have plenty of things I do regularly that some people find weird, boring, or odd - but I'm here to stay fit...not fit in.

Below I want to give some examples of some mindset 'tricks' you can use to get (and stay) fit.

These are 100% not supported by science, so if your all about the research you might want to just send this email straight to the trash folder.

If you're looking to tap into an overlooked area of getting fit, keep reading.

Below are a handful of things I personally use, or know that other people have used, to get and stay fit.

They are not 'copy and paste' habits, but rather prompts to identify some ideas you can apply to your own life.

None of these strategies will transform your body overnight, but when combined with other nutrition and exercise strategies, they can be the 'secret sauce' to results.

I think the reason these types of things work is because they build momentum, boost confidence, and block opportunities to compromise.

Get Fit With These Stupid Simple Mindset Tricks:

Consistent Sleep/Wake Times

When I've been the most fit, I've been semi 'robotic' with my sleep and wake times.

I've seen this with dozens of other clients as well.

Something as simple as falling asleep and waking up at the same time can prepare your mind (and your body) for the day.

I said these were not backed by research - but this might be one of those that probably has some science behind it.

When you go to sleep and wake up regulates your circadian rhythm, which is a big driver for hormones.

This means more consistent energy, hunger cues, and ability to say no to 'poor' food decisions.

Boring Breakfasts

Try eating the same meal every. single. day.

I think breakfast is a great place for this, but it can really apply to any meal (or multiple meals if you want to get real weird)

You'd be amazed at how much freedom there is in not having to waste mental energy deciding when and what to eat.

Try picking a meal that focuses on protein and whole foods, and eat it at the same time every day. 

Move After Meals

I'm a huge fan of taking a walk after meals.

It helps with energy, digestion, and prevents that post meal slump many people feel.

Bonus points is getting outside and getting some much needed sunlight.

If you don't have time to take a walk, knocking out 20 pushups or squats should do the trick.

Say No To Seconds

Many bad decisions are made in the moment #LifeWisdom

It's okay to simply choose to make a rule for yourself that you will say no to seconds.

Unless your goal is to put on unwanted fat (pretty sure no one reading this email - or no one ever), then seconds are just not necessary.

It takes your body more time than you think to register that your actually full and well fed.

If an hour or two pass by, and you're still hungry, go eat something.

I promise you won't starve, humans have gone much longer than a few hours without food for thousands and thousands of years.

Don't Lick The Spoon

This was one I saw years back from Cory Gregory.

When he would make a dessert for his kids, he would make sure not to lick the spoon when he was done preparing it.

This can apply to licking the spoon or your fingers, eating the food left on your kids plates, or grazing right before or after a meal.

It seems so small and insignificant, but I've seen way too many people let one small compromise lead to another...and another...and another.

Remember, this isn't a rigid checklist to follow by any means.

By implementing mindset tricks like this, you can build habits and momentum that are hard to explain.

I've seen more people get (and stay) fit by starting small.

The ones that 'go big or go home' rarely withstand the test of time.

Be okay with starting small and staying strange on your way to being more fit.

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