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3 Quick Morning ‘Hacks’ For Better Energy

Jun 30, 2023

This is for any of you that are looking for some quick, simple, but effective hacks you can use first thing in the morning to jumpstart your day. These things will not only lead to more immediate energy, but they will also set the tone for more consistent energy throughout the day.

I’ve tried dozens of strategies over the past year alone in my own morning routine, as well as gathered information from our clients at Inside Out Strength, and I’ve been able to discover some of the most simple but effective strategies that work for most people looking to improve energy.

By the time you’re done reading you’ll have 3 quick hacks to implement right away in your morning, that don’t take much time or any money to implement, but will increase your energy when done consistently.

Hack 1: Drink Water

Prioritizing water first is one of the most important things you can do to start your day. When you sleep you become dehydrated which can lead to poor energy, focus, and overall clarity (among many other things). By reaching for water, instead of caffeine, you can boost your energy without the crash that will come hours later with caffeine.

Drink 16-32 oz of water first thing in the morning, before you do anything.

Hack 2: Take A Walk

Early movement in your day will also help with energy both immediately and throughout the day. A morning walk is one of the best long-term habits you can form for energy, weight loss, joint health, and overall mental health (when done without distractions). You can do this anywhere and when done consistently will be one of your best tools for overall energy and performance.

If you’re short on time a 5 minute walk will be effective, but try experimenting with longer walks up to 30 minutes as well if time allows first thing in the morning.

Hack 3: Get Some Early Sunlight

Getting outside and getting sunlight early in the day is one of the best things you can do for normalizing your circadian rhythm, which controls so much of your daily energy. Even if you can’t see the sun through cloud coverage, you’ll still get the benefits of sun exposure. Our rhythm is controlled by light, so make sure you are prioritizing sunlight as early as possible. The best part of this is that it can be paired easily with your daily walk.

On brighter days 5 minutes of sunshine should be sufficient, on cloudy days up to 30 minutes of outside exposure will be best. Make sure to avoid the use of sunglasses for this time to allow light to reach your eyes.

While there are hundreds of things you can prioritize first thing in the morning, these are the things I’ve seen work most consistently for myself and clients (without needing much time). What else have you found to be helpful for boosting your energy throughout the day?

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