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Simple and practical strength training, nutrition, and mindset content forĀ couples looking to build muscle and burn fatĀ (without spending their life at the gym)

Lifting Weights Without Getting Bulky (Workouts Included)

Aug 01, 2024

This post was adapted from our popular weekly email. Click here to join for free.

Building lean muscle mass is a requirement for looking, feeling, and performing your best.

There's something amazing that happens to your body (and your confidence) when you prioritize building muscle and getting stronger.

For some people, the thought of building muscle and getting stronger brings some uncomfortable feelings.

I don't want to get bulky.

I don't like lifting weights/going to the gym.

I don't want to get injured.

While I have to address these concerns (and many others) with men - these thoughts are especially true for women.

Below I want to get real practical and show you two examples of workouts that will get you to the same goal of building muscle to look and feel your best.

First, it's important to know:

  1. There are lots of ways to get to the same goal. You probably know someone who got super fit doing CrossFit, running, lifting weights, P90X or Beach Body, and everything in between. The key is finding something sustainable that you can do for years to come. This has to check the boxes of being safe, effective, easy to do, and enjoyable. The system we use with our clients meets all those requirements - but it's only one of many ways to get great results over time.
  2. It's MUCH harder than you think to get bulky or look like a bodybuilder (especially for women). When some people hear that they need to lift weights, their mind immediately goes to a ripped bodybuilder that can't lift their arms overhead to wash their hair. The amount of training, the precision of nutrition, and most importantly - the use of performance enhancing drugs (in most cases) - makes this level VERY hard to reach. I can rep out over 2.5x my bodyweight on deadlifts and over 2x my bodyweight on squats - yet I look nothing like a big powerlifter or bulky bodybuilder. Believe me - I'm trying HARD to put on muscle, but I'm at a disadvantage simply because i'm on 'team all-natural'. If you're like most of our clients - lifting weights 2-3x/week and eating enough protein and whole foods - you're chances of getting too bulky are slim...especially for women. Regardless of what you read on the internet or see on the news these days, men and women are built differently.
  3. If you want to look better, more muscle is just as important (or more important) than weight loss. Deep down most people that we work with don't actually care about how much they weigh, but rather how they look and feel. Are you confident in your body? Do your clothes fit the way you want them to? Are you full of energy? Are you able to do everything you want to do physically without pain? Do you feel attractive for your spouse? The answer to these questions are much more important than simply weighing ___ lbs. The scale can be deceiving, and focusing on weight loss (without building muscle) can leave you 'skinny fat', unhealthy, and less resilient. As mentioned in point #2, you don't have to put on crazy amounts of muscle to look the way you want. But you'll be surprised how much better you look and feel when you do add an appropriate amount of muscle for your body.

For those that know my wife Lindsey and me - we live by these principles.

Strength training is the foundation of our fitness routine. It's transformed our bodies - and we've seen it time and time again for hundreds of clients over the years.

For the women that are scared of getting too bulky - just look at Lindsey.

She looks amazing. Her body is strong and toned.

But she's not focused on weight loss.

In fact, over the past few years (and following multiple kids), her weight has fluctuated very little.

But she can attest that she looks and feels her best when she's focusing on building muscle.

She reps out more than her bodyweight on squats and deadlifts. She can knock out 5 unassisted chin ups.

You'd be amazed what your body can do if you can get to those strength numbers.

If you want to work up to lifting heavy over time, like our family has, we think that's awesome.

You won't regret it.

Follow Example #1 below.

If you're a little more reserved, we've got you covered below with Example #2.

Choose the one that works for you, and get to work.

Example 1:

  • 2+ Years of Workout Experience
  • Enjoys Lifting
  • Goal: <15% Body Fat

A) Barbell Back Squat - x6, x 8, x 10 reps

B) Chin Ups - 3 x MAX sets

C) Single Leg KB RDL 3 x 10

D) Incline DB Press 3 x 10

E) Hanging Knee Raises x 25

Example 2:

  • Minimal lifting experience. Has primarily focused on cardio/group exercise classes in the past.
  • Cautious about lifting due to fear of injury, not knowing what to do, or getting bulky
  • Goal: Losing 10-20 lbs

A) KB Goblet Squat 3 x 10 superset with Pushups 3 x MAX

B) Hip Thrust 3 x 15 superset with DB Row 3 x 15

C) Bench Dips 3 x 15 superset with Walking Lunges 3 x 15 (per leg)

D) Planks and Side Planks x 30 seconds each

Both examples can get you to the same result.

Both examples should take you around 45 minutes at the most.

Both focus on building lean muscle.

Both have the potential to help you look and feel your best.

Choose the one that works for you, combine it with this fitness checklist, and watch your body transform.

24 Page Free Guide (Includes Full Workout Program, Nutrition Recommendations, And More!)

The Ultimate Guide To Burning 10 (Or More) Pounds of Fat and Building 10 Pounds of Muscle

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