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5 Reasons Lifting Weights Will Help You Age Better (And Live Longer)

Jul 03, 2023

What if there was a secret to not just living longer, but also adding more quality to those years? Well I’ll let the secret out: lifting weights should be a part of anyone’s routine that’s looking to live longer and feel better as you age. If that sounds like something you’re interested in, read on as I go over the 5 reasons lifting weights will help you age better (and live longer). 

I’ve always been fascinated by how to help myself and others look, feel, and perform their best - especially as they age. Working 15+ years in the health and fitness industry, with the majority of that as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ve observed a lot of what healthy aging, and what unhealthy aging, look like. In the early part of my career, I was so focused on how to help people recover from being in pain or suffering an injury (AKA reactive). In the last few years, we’ve completely transformed our business model at Inside Out Strength to one that is focused on how to help people reach their fitness goals AND improve longevity and quality of life in the process (AKA proactive). 

Here are some of the biggest reasons that lifting weights will help you age better:

Reason 1: Increased Longevity

Look good and live longer? Sign me up. Lifting weights is about so much more than transforming the way your body looks on the outside. It will also help you live longer. Lifting weights has been shown to improve various health markers from your cardiovascular health, likelihood of surviving cancer, improving blood sugar, among many other things related to improved longevity.

The research is clear that lifting weights, even for an hour a week, can improve longevity. 

Reason 2: Joint and Bone Health

Have you ever heard that lifting weights is bad for your joints? This is an old myth that needs to be forgotten, as it scares many people away from lifting weights or exercising. Lifting weights is not bad for your joints, but when done correctly, it actually helps protect your joints while adding bone density - both very important as you age if you want to stay active.

Don’t fear lifting weights. It will not make your joints worse and will actually improve them when done correctly.

Reason 3: Reduced Risk of Injury

Loss of balance, falls, and injuries that occur during activity can cause all sorts of setbacks that will negatively impact your health. Falls in particular are a big cause for death in the elderly. If that seems like too far away to think about or worry about, lifting weights and having a base of muscle mass is equally important for feeling your best now. 

The stronger you are and the better you can move through full range of motion will allow you to be more active without getting hurt.

Reason 4: More Energy

The higher your muscle mass, the higher your metabolism will be. And the higher your metabolism, the more your body will want to keep moving to accommodate. If even basic activities like taking a walk leaves you feeling drained, lifting weights can help with this both directly and indirectly.

Adding muscle mass through lifting weights will improve your overall energy, making it easier to get active and stay active for the long-term.

Reason 5: Mental Resilience

An often overlooked component to lifting weights is the mental benefits that come with it. If you know from deadlifting that you can pick up the equivalent of your body weight off the ground with ease, do you think you’ll be scared when you’re put in new situations that challenge you physically? Also when you become used to doing hard things regularly, it gives you the motivation needed to take on other activities that you’ve been putting off.

The more you push yourself in the gym, the more confident you’ll be in what your body is capable of.

Lifting weights is for more than just looking good. It’s also for feeling good and aging good. If you’ve ever been fearful of lifting weights, there’s nothing to be afraid of when done correctly. The greater fear is in not lifting weights and achieving all the longevity and health benefits that are secondary to a lifting program.

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