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Generational Health 101

Jul 11, 2024

This was reposted from our popular Newsletter. Sign Up By Clicking Here Today

Hey Legacy Lifters,

Are you creating generational health for your family?

The world talks a lot about creating generational wealth.

Generational wealth is about leaving a financial inheritance for your kids, your grandkids, and generations to come.

By that definition, generational health would be leaving a legacy of health for your kids, your grandkids, and future generations to be healthy for years to come.

That's what being a Legacy Lifter is about.

It's about creating a path for the next generation to be more healthy than the one before.

Sadly, the health trend we are on as a society is not a good one:

  • Obesity: According to the CDC, 41.9% of adults in the United States were obese between 2017 and March 2020, which is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or higher. This is an increase from 30.5% in 1999–2000, but overall, obesity rates in the US have remained steady since 2003. However, obesity rates have more than tripled among children and adolescents since the mid-1970s, with 22.2% of adolescents and 20.7% of children ages 6–11 obese between 2017 and March 2020
  • Life Expectancy: Life expectancy at birth in the United States declined nearly a year from 2020 to 2021, according to new provisional data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). 
  • Quality of Life: According to a 2022 article in JAMA Network, more than one-third of US adults have metabolic syndrome, a group of conditions that can increase the risk of serious health problems. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has increased over time, from 37.6% in 2011–12 to 41.8% in 2017–18.

I believe a pursuit to get yourself healthy is a great pursuit to be on. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to lose weight, add muscle, and get more fit.

In fact, I'm all for it.

Doing this will bring you more confidence, set an example for those around you, and when done correctly is an external reflection of an internal transformation.

But if your health journey starts and stops with you, I think you're missing the point.

I selfishly went about this the wrong way for several years.

And I had to wake up to the fact that it led to my family suffering in several ways:

  • I spent too much time working out. This was more time away from my family that could have spent together. This was an escape from responsibilities, putting heavier burdens on my wife to carry the load.
  • I chased (un)healthy extremes. I would follow nutrition and exercise routines that led to less healthy behaviors around food and workouts - even if it helped me lose weight, get stronger, or look better. It looked like health on the outside, but on the inside it was anything but that.
  • I was chasing admiration and affirmation. I was doing it for the wrong reasons.
  • I set unhealthy expectations on what health and fitness should look like in our household. This put unnecessary pressure on those around me to perform a certain way.

These are just a few of the things that can happen when you selfishly pursue a health goal without considering how it effects your family.

In the Paczkowski household, our family mission is to Build Stronger Kingdom Families.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." - Matthew 6:33

We believe living for God's Kingdom is the first step to generational health.

I know too many families that look fit, healthy, and happy - but they are actually a mess behind closed doors.

This isn't health. And this sure won't create a healthy example that your kids (or anyone else) will want to follow.

So without getting into all the details of what it means to be a Kingdom family - just know that we believe any health journey built on a poor foundation will eventually crumble.

As foundational as this concept of God's Kingdom is for how our family chooses to live - it's also not my expertise to be writing on.

I'm not a Pastor. I haven't been through seminary. I don't pretend to be an expert in Biblical study or preaching.

And I'm learning to stay in my lane with the content I'm creating.

That doesn't mean I'm going to hide our faith or downplay it's importance in our life.

Because it's transformed my life, and the life of my family, in ways beyond what I could ever imagine.

And I'm not lying when I say that it guides literally everything we do in our household. 

Including our decisions around health and fitness.

However, just because it's the foundation of our household doesn't mean I need to be writing on it.

I loved being able to spend 12 weeks writing the Transform section of The Standard.

But that won't be a focus moving forward.

Lindsey and I have been getting more and more clarity about how  we can best help people through our content.

And based on that, you'll notice a heavy focus on helping men, women, and families be the healthiest they can be.

The content isn't changing.

But the presentation of how we give you the content is.

I've gotten a lot of feedback over the past 12 weeks:

  • Above all you love the  Build  section of the Standard. This makes sense. It's where I have 20+ years of experience, education, and have helped the most people see transformation
  • You love all the content...but it's a lot to consume. I heard several times that each email, and even each section, could be a full article, chapter, or book on its own. Great content is great - unless it's too difficult (or too much) to actually digest. 
  • Where my ladies at? You love the content I put out for men, and have stuck around for it, but you want some more female specific content as well.

Based on this feedback, here are some changes you can expect going forward:

  • These emails, the articles I write, and content I produce will be focused on improving lean body composition. Expect more content on how exercise, nutrition, and behavioral modification will lead to improvements in your lean body composition. This will be both high level overviews and deep dives into our strength training and nutrition protocols that have already helped so many people. This is by far what people have said they wanted to see more of - and we'll deliver on improving the quality and consistency of content in this area.
  • Expect more 'real life' examples. I'll be revealing more practical examples that will help you reach your health and fitness goals. This will include more step by step examples of what I'm doing, what our family is doing, and what our clients are doing to get the great results that they're getting.
  • Ladies...we've got you! I will be doing more research on any female specific considerations to improving health and lean body composition. 
  • Bonus: expect some cameo appearances from my beautiful wife Lindsey šŸ¤«

Thank you for all of you that have given feedback. For all of you that have been faithful readers of the content I put out. For all of you that are occasional readers. For all of you that have read even just one piece of content I've put out.

I value each and everyone of you, and we're excited to continue to serve you in the best way we know how.

If you have anything at all you want to say, feedback you want to give, or specific questions you have around improving your health - reply right here and I'll personally respond.

Here's to creating generational health...together.

Dave and Lindsey

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