The Inside Out Strength Blog

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3 Quick Evening ‘Hacks’ For Better Sleep

Jul 07, 2023

This is for any of you that are looking for some quick, simple, but effective hacks you can use at the end of your day to improve sleep quality, so that you can wake up well rested with more energy the next day. I’ve tried dozens of strategies over the past year alone in my own evening routine to improve sleep, as well as gathered information from our clients at Inside Out Strength, and I’ve been able to discover some of the most simple but effective strategies that work for most people looking to improve sleep.

By the time you’re done reading you’ll have 3 quick hacks to implement right away at the end of your day, that don’t take much time or any money to implement, but will improve your sleep when done consistently.

Hack 1: Electronics Away

Putting your electronics away has two significant benefits for improving your sleep. First, you don’t expose yourself to the bright lights of screens that can negatively affect your sleep. Second, you turn off all the noise, distractions, and notifications that hunt you down all day long that lead to increased stress. This helps prepare both your body and your mind for a restful night sleep.

Set a goal to have all electronics put away at least 30-60 minutes before bed.

Hack 2: Finish Eating 3 Hours Before Bed

When I started tracking my sleep quality, this was one of the most surprising things that had a huge impact on my sleep. As I started to talk with other clients I noticed the same trend. After eating your body sends energy to your stomach to help digest the food you just consumed. This can lead to a hard time sleeping both through an increased body temperature and through possible indigestion when lying down flat.

Avoid eating within 3 hours of bedtime when possible avoiding big meals, sugars, and alcohol.

Hack 3: Consistent Sleep and Wake Times

Your sleep rhythm is largely driven by sunlight and sleep/wake times. As soon as you wake up, your internal ‘clock’ is releasing hormones throughout the day that affect when you feel tired at night. When you stick close to your usual sleep and wake times, you create a normal rhythm that helps your body to wake up and wind down naturally.

Your body craves consistency - keep your sleep and wake times within an hour or less of usual times (even on the weekends).

While there are hundreds of things you can prioritize at the end of the day, these are the things I’ve seen work most consistently for myself and others (without needing much time to implement). Experiment with some of these and let us know any other sleep strategies that help you the most.

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