The Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training, nutrition, and mindset content for couples looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

5 Must Have Mobility Drills for Obstacle Course Racers

activelifestyle exerciseprogramming mobility Apr 07, 2021

Obstacle course races are all the rage, why train for “just running” when you can train for a variety of challenging obstacles requiring full body strength, coordination and mobility - not to mention endurance!  With more OCR style gyms popping up and the popularity of American Ninja Warrior many people are training a lot but missing some simple mobility drills they can do to give themselves the competitive edge they want.  

Below are our 5 Must Have Mobility Drills for Obstacle Course Racers. There’s two with an upper body focus and 3 for a lower body focus.

 Upper Body Mobility Drills

Quadruped Thoracic Rotations

Prone Swimmers

Lower Body Mobility Drills 

 Ankle Knee to Wall Mobilization 

Posterior Hip Mobilization 

90-90 Hip Mobility 

Give these a try let us know if you feel a difference.  This has worked with hundreds of clients that we have worked with both locally at our performance physical therapy clinic as well as with online training athletes that we program for.

Don’t wait to live your best life or wait to get your PR on your next OCR, we’d love to help you reach your goals and be a part of your transformation!

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We help North County San Diego’s active adults and runners dealing with pain or injury get back to living a pain-free, strong, and confident life.

We are the Strength Docs who help active adults and runners live a strong, confident, and pain-free life. Fill out our contact form here to get a clear plan and get started.


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