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6 Simple Tips To Improve Health These Holidays

Nov 22, 2023

I want to give you some simple, practical tips that will help you enjoy your holidays while still staying on track with your health and fitness goals.

Because yes, believe it or not, it is possible to do that with even a small amount of intention and focus.

But first I want to challenge some commonly held beliefs about your health during the holidays.

I know this is going to cause you to second guess some things you’ve probably heard, but hang with me okay?

I promise I’ll spell out some clear, simple, and practical tips you can use to improve your health these holidays.

But first it’s important to challenge your thinking a bit.

Challenge #1 - You have a choice and you are in control

What do I mean by that? 

Great question, let me explain..

Things outside of your control would include: what food is at the party you’re at, what time the party starts or ends, what treats are sitting around your workspace or breakroom, if the gym you go to is open or closed on Christmas day, etc (you get the picture)

So what is in your control?

Well, just about everything else.

You’re in control of the type and quantity of food you put (or don’t put) into your mouth, the exercise you do (or don’t do), the amount of sleep you get, how you respond to different stressors that come during the season, etc (I think you also get the picture)

That doesn't mean you need to be perfect, rigid, or not have fun. In fact you can go crazy if you want, the point is that whatever you choose to do is up to you.

All that being said, you have to first acknowledge that you have complete ownership of your actions in the coming weeks.

Yes, there are more opportunities, parties, get togethers, tasty treats, alcoholic drinks, and you name it coming up. Tis the season right?

But simply realizing that 1) it’s not the easiest time to live your healthiest life and 2) it’s very possible to live healthy-ish and not derail any progress you’ve made this year is a powerful truth

Which leads us to the next important challenge.

Challenge #2 - You get to decide what your health goals or intentions are over the next 6 weeks

Proverbs 29:18 says that where there is no vision, the people perish

If you don’t go in with any kind of plan, intention, or goal - your likelihood of living reactive and compromising your health is very high

It’s really important to understand this - the truth that you get to decide does not equal you need to be strict or even pursue any type of health goals over the coming weeks. On the other hand, doing nothing around your health and eating/drinking whatever you want is not wrong - but it’s still a decision you make either consciously OR subconsciously

If you end up gaining weight, not exercising much, or feeling lousy come New Year 2024 - it’s probably not because you’re lazy, but because you went into the end of the year with no plan or conscious thought around it.

You let your subconscious take over and do whatever it wanted to.

Sure you can blame the cookies, pumpkin pie, get togethers, and more alcohol - but you already acknowledged that you are in control of your choices.

Let’s be real too - if you’re anything like me, you want to enjoy yourself a bit. 

But at the same time I personally hate starting January 1 feeling like I’m playing catch up and just trying to get back to where I was a couple months earlier.

I’ve done things the right way, and I’ve done things the hard way.

Neither is right or wrong, but I never want to go back to the hard way again after I had the powerful realization that I can both enjoy myself AND maintain a level of health through the holidays.

Now that we’re on the same page that you have the ability to enjoy yourself without derailing your health - let’s talk about some practical tips to maintain (or actually improve) your health this holiday season:

Tip #1 - Define Your Goal

As mentioned above, you can choose to be as strict or loose as you want. But I don’t recommend going into the holiday season completely blind without any goals or intentions (I’ve tried that).

I also don’t recommend trying to be so strict that you don’t get to enjoy yourself, you have excess stress, or it strains relationships/forces you to miss get togethers (I’ve also tried that).

While I don’t recommend any of those - just know that you can choose those options if they work for you. No judgment.

However, maybe your goal is to nail your nutrition and fitness 80% of the time.

There are 37 days from Thanksgiving to New Year.

80% means sticking to your plan for 30 of those days.

That leaves 7 days - a full week - to enjoy yourself, and ease off your plan a bit.

I don’t recommend going crazy on those 7 days, but make sure you enjoy the things you want to be enjoying as well if you're staying consistent on those other days.

7 days should be plenty to cover major holidays, get togethers, and other things that will come up.

Whatever you decide, make a commitment to yourself to stick to it.

If you decide to let loose the remainder of the year and start back up in January - that’s also a choice that is totally up to you.

Just know the more you compromise now means the more you’ll have to get strict in the future to diet off any fat gain - which most people don’t actually end up doing.

Tip #2 - Decide Exercise Plans Ahead of Time

Waiting until you feel like working out is a terrible strategy.

It's important to lay out a plan over the next several weeks for your exercise, but make sure that it’s both FLEXIBLE and EASY TO STICK TO.

Those are both key, because the more resistance you have around it the more you’re likely to blow it off when your schedule gets busy (or the morning after that holiday party)

Flexible means being firm on the commitment (ex: I will go to the gym for 30 minutes 3x/week or I will run x miles a week), but loose on where that fits into your schedule throughout each week.

Easy to stick to means plan around something you 100% know you can do, even if things get busy. Then if more free times comes up and you’re feeling motivated, you can always add more in. This may be as simple as doing 50 pushups and 50 squats every day, and then going to the gym when you have the time and energy to do so. If you're already in a good routine of 5 days a week, maybe you 100% commit to 3 or 4 days a week knowing that you can stick to that, but still hit 5 days on the weeks that are less busy.

The key is to decide ahead of time to free up mental energy and avoid excuses that come up when things get busy.

Tip #3 - Focus on Daily Movement

Even if you can’t hit your ideal exercise plan throughout the holidays - whether due to travel, gym closures, or other commitments - you can always focus on moving more.

This might mean taking a daily walk, parking further away, or even just standing up and moving around after a meal instead of plopping on the couch.

Daily movement will help with digestion, burn a few extra calories, and most importantly can be a great tool to get out of the kitchen and away from food that is easy to overeat.

Many people underestimate how much this really adds up - but in my opinion this can be even more impactful than exercise alone with how much daily movement makes up the amount of calories burned (among other benefits)

Tip #4 - Practice Mindful Eating

Shocker, I know. Aren't you surprised that eating had to make the list somewhere?

Everyone wants a healthy body but very few want to moderate what they’re eating

However, as you know, this is usually the area that will make or break you when it comes to any weight gain this season

Remember - mindful eating is much different than strict or rigid eating

There are foods I’m excited to enjoy this time of year, but I’ve also learned ways to enjoy them and not wreck my goals or feel terrible the next day after eating them. I’ve also learned that just because something is available doesn’t mean I need to eat it just because it’s there or because it's shaped like a Christmas tree.

Certain foods are absolutely worth me indulging in (pumpkin pie is pretty much a vegetable after all..right?)

But many foods (or drinks) I can do without and simply aren't worth having just because they're available.

Mindful eating is simply having awareness around what you’re putting in your mouth.

Some general things that can help with this: chew slowly and actually enjoy the food you're eating, step away from the food for 30-60 minutes after eating instead of immediately grabbing seconds or grazing on dessert, understand that it is possible to choose this or that instead of eating and drinking everything that’s there.

Ask yourself some questions - am I actually hungry (or am I bored, stressed, etc)? Is this food really worth it to me? Will eating/drinking this negatively affect my sleep/mood/energy/productivity tomorrow?

You don’t have to formally track the food you’re eating or eliminate certain foods/drinks altogether (although you could if that helps you), but you should be aware of what you’re consuming and why you’re consuming it - which can often be enough for you to make small changes that can positively add up for your health

Tip #5 - Prioritize Sleep (Especially When Traveling)

Yes, feel free to sleep a little more.

Sometimes getting up at 5am to do that morning workout after being up late is not beneficial, and can actually be counterproductive

Your quality of sleep tends to go down when traveling, eating different foods, and having different life stressors associated with the holidays - so give yourself a little extra sleep quantity to make up for the reduced quality that can come with these changes

Poor sleep quality or quantity will affect your energy, your cravings (making you more likely to reach for more sugar/calorie dense options), and even affect your hormones or how your body is responding to the food you’re eating.

Tip #6 - Go Into Parties Or Get Togethers With A Plan

Remember, you’re in control and it’s good to go into any get together or party with a plan.

There is no one size fits all approach that’s best for everyone

Maybe for you that’s limiting yourself to 1 or 2 drinks

Maybe that’s choosing to enjoy dessert but not alcohol (or vice versa)

Maybe that’s giving yourself a time that you will leave the party at to make sure you can get to bed at a decent time and workout the next day

Maybe you want to fill up on some good protein before hand knowing that you’re less likely to overeat and that protein options are usually the hardest to find at these get togethers

There is no right answer here - but don’t go in without some type of plan (and don’t beat yourself up if you slip up a bit!)

It’s all about learning more about yourself, what works, what doesn’t, and making adjustments so you can be a little bit better in the future

The holidays should be a time you enjoy with people you love being around.

But that doesn't meant that enjoyment has to lead to unwanted weight gain, poor energy, and feeling like you need to 'start fresh' come the new year.

There are ways to enjoy AND stay on track.

It takes a little more effort

But the good news?

The choice is up to you.

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