The Inside Out Strength Blog

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5 “Bang For Your Buck” Exercises for Ski Weekend

activelifestyle exerciseprogramming strengthtraining Jan 11, 2022

  Most people would agree that skiing can be one of the most fun things you can do. Most people would also agree that hours of skiing can also be pretty hard on your body if you’re not accustomed to that level of exercise. For that reason, it’s important to prepare yourself ahead of time by doing some sort of regular resistance training for both the lower and upper body, as well as some form of cardiovascular training. The following exercises are things you can do in the weeks leading up to your ski weekend, as well as part of your warm up right before you head down the slopes. 


1. Bridge with Adductor Squeeze: This is going to be a great exercise to help work the glutes, hamstrings, as well as the adductor (inner thigh) muscles which play an important role in stabilizing the skis underneath you.


2. Reverse Lunge with a Twist: This exercise is great for warming up the quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also working on rotational core strength and mobility.


3. Bodyweight Squats: Squats are going to be a great exercise to help you warm up for skiing, as it requires a very similar position to that of a skier going down the slopes and works the same lower body muscles that you will be using.


4. Side Planks: This plank exercise is one of the most effective things you can do before skiing because it targets your core so well, among other things. Skiing requires a lot of core strength, so having this in your routine will be important!


5. Skater Hops: This power exercise can help prep you for the explosive movements and bursts you’ll need to control your descent down the mountain.


Bonus Recovery Stretch: The bretzel stretch can feel incredible after a long day on the mountain. This position is going to really stretch out your quads, glutes, and back. Try taking a few long, deep breaths to help you feel more recovered and relaxed.


Need Help?

If you’re a little overwhelmed with the options available when it comes to prepping for your ski weekend - then we can help. Click here to schedule a free Discovery Visit with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy, or reach out to us at anytime at (760) 301-6566 or at [email protected] 

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