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3 Simple Cardio Workouts That Actually Work

Jun 09, 2023

Many people are aware of the importance of cardio, but many people are also going about it all wrong. Cardio is not simply going on a long run or bike ride. It’s also not simply just beating yourself into the ground through a hard CrossFit or bootcamp workout. Cardio should be intelligent and complementary to your overall goals of strength, fitness, weight loss, and longevity. We’ve seen both the positive and negative impact that cardio can have on our clients lives. If you’re looking for some better ways to get the benefits of cardio, without getting beat up or experiencing setbacks, try these variations:


10 Minute Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM)

-Assault bike sprint to 10 calories OR 100 meter sprint/row

-Rest the remainder of the minute (repeat 10 times total)


4 Rounds For Time:

-400 m run/row

-10 pushups

-10 situps


Complete For Time:

-10 pushups, 1 kettlebell swing

-9 pushups, 2 kettlebell swings

-Repeat this sequence until you complete 1 pushup and 10 kettlebell swings

These are some examples of many simple circuits we program in for our clients at the end of a strength session when looking to build cardio and accelerate weight loss. Cardio doesn’t have to be complex or overly exhausting to be effective. Focus on the long-term strategies that will move the needle the most when it comes to your health and fitness.

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