TheĀ Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training and nutrition strategies for thoseĀ looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

How to Improve Ankle Mobility and Why Itā€™s Important exerciseprogramming mobility physicaltherapy Oct 30, 2019

How to Improve Ankle Mobility and Why It’s Important

If you’re missing ankle mobility, there’s a very good chance you’re not going to be feeling, moving, and performing as...

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Exercises for Building a Bigger and Stronger Back backpain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining weighttraining Oct 23, 2019

Want a Bigger and Stronger Back?

Having a strong and muscular back does much more than just look cool.  While that is an added side effect, a stronger back can often equal healthy...

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3 Mobility Exercises To Do After Traveling mobility physicaltherapy Oct 16, 2019

Don’t Let Traveling Wreck Your Mobility

Mobility work isn’t easy while traveling. However, finding mobility exercises to do after traveling can help us feel and perform our best....

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What is Your Rotator Cuff and Why is it Important? physicaltherapy shoulderpain Oct 14, 2019

What is Your Rotator Cuff and Why is it Important?

We’ve all likely either had ourselves, or known someone that has had, rotator cuff strains, rotator cuff impingement, or rotator cuff tears....

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Is It Safe For Me To Be Squatting? exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy Sep 17, 2019

Is It Safe For Me To Be Squatting?

We’ve all heard the importance of the squat as it relates to overall strength, health, and fitness.  But how do you know you’re ready for...

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10 Ways to Improve Hip Mobility exerciseprogramming hippain mobility physicaltherapy Jul 01, 2019

Why is Hip Mobility Important?

Hip mobility is extremely important for both athletic tasks as well as the overall health of your joints and your body.  A common finding for the clients we see...

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5 Shoulder Stretches You Can Do Without Equipment exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy shoulderpain Jul 01, 2019

Shoulder Stretching Made Simple

Effective shoulder stretches do not require fancy equipment and do not require tons of time to see benefits. Sometimes we try and complicate our stretches by adding...

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Warm-Up Smarter, Not Longer: Your Warm-Up and Mobility Overhaul exerciseprogramming mobility physicaltherapy warmup Jun 28, 2019

Everyone has heard of the importance of a good warm-up to get your body ready for activity.  However, the biggest problem with a good warm-up falls into either the type of warm-up being...

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Squat Warmup Routine exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining warmup Jun 28, 2019

The Infamous Squat

The squat is commonly coined the king of exercises in the gym.  Some people love the squat, while others despise it, but few would argue with the importance of the squat.


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4 Exercises to Warmup Your Bench Press exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining weighttraining Jun 28, 2019

The Infamous Bench Press

If you’ve spent any length of time in a gym, you’re all too familiar with the bench press.  If you’re a guy that went through high school, then you...

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Project Pullup: 7 Steps to Mastering the Strict Pullup exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining Jun 26, 2019

Why the Strict Pullup?

The ability to perform a strict pullup is essential for your health, your strength, and arguably your safety and longevity.  Performing a body weight, unassisted, strict...

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6 Exercises to Improve Thoracic Spine Mobility exerciseprogramming mobility physicaltherapy Jun 26, 2019

What is thoracic spine mobility and why do I need it?

Before we dive into how to improve mobility in this area, we first need to know why having full thoracic spine mobility is important for both...

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