TheĀ Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training and nutrition strategies for thoseĀ looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

Lateral Hip Pain And Gluteal Tendinopathy ā€“ Is Your Training the Cause? hippain physicaltherapy running Nov 18, 2020

We all know experiencing pain when running is never welcome.  As a runner if you’re experiencing hip pain it robs you of the enjoyment of the run, the benefits of stress relief and...

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Osteoporosis and Resistance Training: What You Need To Know and How To Get Started Today osteoporosis physicaltherapy strengthtraining Nov 11, 2020

Did you know, approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, 80% of them are women. Have you recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis or has your doctor mentioned you have low bone mineral...

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Strength Training For Better Aging physicaltherapy strengthtraining Oct 28, 2020

Aging is inevitable, but we have the choice to age with grace rather than feeling defeated during the process.

We’ve all heard one time or another we should be doing strength training and...

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The 5 Exercise Solution for "Mom Shoulder" backpain physicaltherapy shoulderpain womenshealth Oct 21, 2020

Have you been noticing your posture changing throughout pregnancy and after the baby's arrival?

Is your upper back feeling tight and painful?

Are the late night feedings and car seat carrying...

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Diastasis Rectus Abdominis: More than ā€œClosing The Gapā€ physicaltherapy womenshealth Oct 14, 2020

Hey there, mothers. Are you eager to return to “all the things” postpartum?  During your pregnancy or after the baby's arrival did you have a fear of your “abs...

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3 Stability Drills to Eliminate SI Joint Pain backpain exerciseprogramming hippain physicaltherapy strengthtraining Sep 30, 2020

Are you experiencing discomfort or dull boring ache on only one side of your low back and hip region?  Do you feel pain here after running or a long time standing? Has the pain ever crept its...

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4 Must Do Exercises For Pelvic Organ Prolapse physicaltherapy womenshealth Sep 23, 2020

Have you recently been given the diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse? Grade 2 cystocele?  Research suggests 50% of women have some degree of observable pelvic organ prolapse. But guess what,...

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What you Need to Know About Pelvic Organ Prolapse physicaltherapy womenshealth Sep 16, 2020

Have you been diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse? Receiving a diagnosis like this can be overwhelming. What does it even mean? Many women’s minds go directly to the extreme end of the...

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6 Best Stretches for Pelvic Pain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy womenshealth Sep 09, 2020

Our pelvis is the home of many different muscles, tendons and ligaments, connective tissue and blood vessels, not to mention organs. Pelvic pain can affect men and women.  Recent stats say...

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3 Tips for How to Lift Your Child Without Back Pain backpain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy strengthtraining womenshealth Sep 02, 2020

If you ask most parents they’ll say their kids changed their lives.  For better or for worse being a parent is a physical role. Carrying, lifting and holding babies and kids is a part of...

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3 Commonly Missed Areas That Can Resolve Your Low Back Pain When Running backpain exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running strengthtraining Aug 26, 2020

Is your low back feeling achy during or after your runs?  Are you feeling like the soreness in your back is limiting your ability to fully participate in your training?  You’re not...

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3 Best Exercises to Stop Leaking with RunningĀ  physicaltherapy running womenshealth Aug 19, 2020

Have you experienced leaking when you run? Are you tired of needing to wear a pad for your runs and immediately take a shower when you get home? Has it been a few years since you’ve had your...

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